As per my previous post about RPG Life UK I met up with some twitter folks to talk about RPGs and other stuff.
Tweetup Part 1 – Hilton Thursday 8pm
For something that was largely a random collection of twitter folks this went better than it probably should have. Ok, so we didn’t really get into any kind of debate about the UK RPG Scene or anything like that other than to conclude early on that there really wasn’t one.
The group chat seemed to only last for about 15 to 30 minutes but after that we largely split off into different groups to chat about all things hobby and not just RPGs. Also had the benefit of chatting with a retailer post the retailer event to get the inside “scoop” on what was coming out. Some cool stuff was talked about (Mystic Vale I’m thinking of you) but nothing ground breaking or market changing etc.
There was one particularly interesting snippet from the overall conversation – “There are lots of RPG conventions in the UK so we don’t need any more.”
Ok so this wasn’t what was actually said but it was how I interpreted what was being said.
We didn’t really get into this in the tweetup but I’ve been reflecting on it since the tweetup itself and I suppose my underlying thought here is that it’s not actually reflective of the UK.
It may be reflective of England but then that’s probably not a surprise given the relatively healthy state of the English RPG con scene.
It is also probably a reflective position as the diversity of RPGs people were interested in and able to talk about at the tweetup likely has a causal relationship to the diversity of the cons where RPGs are played in England. A lot of the games people talked about were small press and relatively obscure (to me), including a decent selection of home designed systems. All of which is great but serves to remind me that I’m not gaming enough, or specifically not RPGing enough to enable any form of diversity in my RPG gaming. Something that I need to resolve or accept.
Tweetup Part 2 – Beer Bus Saturday 2pm
A few extra / new faces this time and it was a more general meet & greet. Managed to chat with Adam from RPGKitchen about Game Jams / Game Chef (I’ll include content in the post I’ll do on the seminar) which was a lot of fun.
Again it was a pleasure to chat with folks who have a similar interest and for want of a better word “belong”.
Conclusions? Well other than I need to do more of this sort of thing I also took away a number of outcomes that I will endeavour to achieve. Let’s cover that in a future post though as I think reality it’s as much about a re-visit of my hobby objectives as it is anything else.