One Giant Leap For Meeple-kind?
Not quite.
I realise I’ve slipped into another “no update” zone with the blog which I can only apologise profusely for. Other than work, family and of course gaming I’ve not really had any real time to spend on the blog.
So a quick update is probably in order then.
Games at a beer festival went really well. We didn’t have any converts but we did have some people asking questions which is never a bad thing.
We managed to play Poo, Get Bit, Kittens in a Blender and Braggart which all worked pretty well considering we were sitting near where the live (and at times excellent) music was being played.
I look forward to the next Cambolicious beer festival in May 2015 where more games and more beer can be enjoyed.
DWARF wise we’ve finally managed to re-instate the Star Wars game that we’ve been playing. First game since July and 2 of the party almost died.
We’re coming to the end of “Beyond The Rim” and I’ve been very pleased with the scenario this far. It is a bit railroady at times but it’s flexible enough to manipulate the story.
The question I have started to ponder is what’s next? Another Star Wars scenario or something else?
Of course alongside that I’ve been playing more board games at DWARF
ENT wise we’re approaching our final event of the year – Sunday 14th December. Alan aka +donjondo pulled together a list of all the games we’ve played since we started and it comes to the frustratingly not rounded number of 49! Then our community pointed out a few omissions and we’re actually now at 52!
To celebrate our first year we’re hosting a sort of poll / survey to get people to vote for their favourite games played this year ahead of the session on the 14th. Alan came up with the name Golden Axe Award and we’ve decided to stick with it, although what an ENT would be doing with an axe I’m not sure… 😉
ENT will also see some changes from the 14th December with us moving to a 4 hour slot (1pm to 5pm) and also moving to the Upper Hall which should be warmer over the Winter! I think the changes are a positive step forwards for the community, especially for the longevity of the community but also increasing the options of what can be played.
I’ve failed miserably at getting the “gang” back together for some D&D. This has been solely down to me just not having that much free time to actually play the game for any reasonable length of time (a separate post is brewing on the topic of game length).
So that’s pretty much where we are although I do have a couple of other topics to be covered, just need to find the time to write them!!!