Off the rails.

So it looks like I’ve underestimated the challenge in maintaining this blog on a daily basis.
Rather than promising to overcome the challenge I’ve decided to pull back from the daily post commitment and at least for now keep the posts to when I can make them.
I have plenty of content that I want to share it’s simply a question of available time to make the posts.
Topics that I will write about are a mixture of those which I’ve already posted about and some new ones.
Namely –
GenCon 2014 – My plans to go continue and I’m (gently) harassing friends who would also be interested in going. Either way though I will be in Indianapolis next August.
Star Wars EotE – Having held the initial session recently I expect to post about the progress of this game and what learnings I take from the game mechanically.
D&D Next – Similar to EotE but yet to kick off the sessions.
Hobby Value – This is an ongoing thought process and I will continue to share the value measurement that I’m tracking of my hobby but also the ways that value can be measured as part of the purchase of games.
Hobby Profile – I have some data that I want to digest and share my views on with respect to growing the profile of the hobby within the UK and beyond.
What’s New – I am continuing to look at new games and accessories that intrigue me and some of those are worthy of posting about.
Plus anything else that strikes a chord with the intent of this blog.
So. Have no fear the blog will continue but unlikely to be daily at least for the foreseeable future and maybe that gives me the chance to dig deeper into some of the topics listed above or indeed revisiting previous topics.
Cheers for now!