Conventions (and ears) in 2022.

So, as with many things, attending conventions in 2022 have an element of hesitation about them.

Many of us who go to multiple conventions per year can’t wait to get back to visiting them, whilst at the same time we’re all maybe a little bit apprehensive.

So when this year started I had it all worked out.

  • March – AireCon
  • June – UK Games Expo
  • August – Gen Con
  • August – Tabletop Scotland

and anything else was a bonus.

Of course, the best laid plans etc etc…

At the start of the year I developed a lovely (it wasn’t) ear infection in both ears. An infection that prove resistant to all attempts to treat through the usual means (I have a long medical history with my ears).

The infection’s main impact was pain followed closely by an inability to sleep. Fortunately pain killers exist, unfortunately I needed really strong ones. If you’ve ever been on really strong pain killers for any length of time, you’ll know that when you stop taking them it isn’t a pleasant experience…

So January came and went, then February, and March (had to skip AireCon) too. With April approaching and no improvement it became clear (well to be fair it already was) that surgery was the only answer. Now, because of my long medical history with ear issues that’s never a simple thing to consider but it was becoming a ‘necessary evil’.

As I type this it’s the day after surgery and already I can tell a big difference. It’s not a long term fix but it’ll do for now and means I can now actually have confidence in my plans for going to conventions and organising Tabletop Scotland (the latter was never actually in doubt!).

UK Games Expo – Friday 3rd to Sunday 5th June 2022

For me this will be Thursday 2nd to Monday 6th June purely from a travel and social perspective.

I’m really, really, looking forward to UK Games Expo this year. I’ve missed the event and the people that I normally see there. Plus it’s always a useful event from a Tabletop Scotland perspective.

Gen Con – Thursday 4th to Sunday 7th August 2022

For me this is Tuesday 3rd to Monday 8th August factoring in flights etc. Technically Tuesday 9th August as that’s when I get home, timezones huh.

If I am really, really, looking forward to UK Games Expo. You can probably add another 2 or 3 reallys onto that for Gen Con. Returning to Indianapolis after 4 years away and going back with Richard, Simon and of course Greg. The festival atmosphere of the convention and the whole celebration of the hobby that the event has really is special.

The event catalog gets released tomorrow and I am looking forward to planning my Gen Con experience.

If I could only go to one convention every year, and could justify the cost every year, then it’d be Gen Con. No Greg that doesn’t mean we’re going every year.

Tabletop Scotland 27th & 28th August 2022

Then we have Tabletop Scotland. It’s amazing to see so many people excited about our event this year. After 2 years without it, we as a team have really missed hosting it. It seems that our attendees and exhibitors feel the same, which is really special.

We have a lot planned and we really think this will be our best event yet. So if you’re in Scotland or can make it to Scotland at the end of August, come to Perth and visit the convention.