Favourite RPG Setting… Ermmmm Dragonlance is a bit of an easy one here as would Star Wars given how it’s largely built into my DNA. Those 2 aside though there aren’t any settings that have grabbed me and encouraged me to become immersed in the lore and such like –...
Continue reading...Star Wars
RPG A Day 2015 – Day Eighteen
Favourite SF RPG… Sci-Fi RPG would have to be Star Wars : Edge Of The Empire, right? I’ve played every iteration of published Star Wars RPGs from the original West End Games Edition through their 2nd edition into the d20 versions that WotC produced and now with FFG which I...
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So way back when I started this blog I kicked it off with a post called “I’m Dave and I’m a Roleplayer” and I proceeded to talk about the rediscovery of what I wanted my hobby to be. Since then I’ve managed to rediscover my hobby and I’ve achieved some...
Continue reading...One Small Step For A Meeple…
One Giant Leap For Meeple-kind? Not quite. I realise I’ve slipped into another “no update” zone with the blog which I can only apologise profusely for. Other than work, family and of course gaming I’ve not really had any real time to spend on the blog. So a quick update...
Continue reading...Tabletop Day 2014 @ DWARF in Dunfermline
So this Saturday is Tabletop Day. If you’re not sure where to go and take part in one of the many thousands of events to celebrate our hobby then go to the Tabletop Day website and find out where your nearest one is. If that happens to be Dunfermline in...
Continue reading...The Force is strong with this one.
In my previous post on licenses I made reference to the popularity of Star Wars within the hobby. Star Wars is one of those properties that has serious longevity and is consistently establishing new fans to enjoy the games by publishers such as Fantasy Flight Games. What caught me by...
Continue reading...Character Creation: Edge of the Empire
So we recently went through character creation for EotE and I really felt this was one of the easiest and most interactive character creation processes I’ve ever taken part in. To set the scene – I’ve got about 9 people interested in playing and that number might increase so looks...
Continue reading...Active/Passive Characters in RPGs
I had planned to be kicking off a Star Wars EotE game by now but due to a number of factors that hasn’t happened. So for October what I want to do is complete character creation likely using this fabulous character generator (and so much more) created by OggDude on...
Continue reading...Railroad Stations
Back in my post named “Expansive Gaming” I reflected on the nature of expansions for games. I’ve recently picked up a number of expansions for games I’ve been enjoying and wanted to share the reasons why I’ve picked them up. This post is about Star Wars EotE : Beyond The Rim...
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I’ve referred to a one-shot scenario I’ve used for Star Wars on here a few times. The scenario itself is inspired by an old RPG magazine by the name of Challenge which was published by Games Designers Workshop, a now defunct gaming company. GDW were the publishers of a number...
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