RPG A Day 2015 – Day Twenty Seven

Favourite idea for merging two games into one? Hmmmm, this is a tricky one. Merging settings / genres isn’t really my bag and merging systems doesn’t really float my boat either. But if there were to be a “mash up” that I’d play/run it’d probably be something that takes elements...

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RPG A Day 2015 – Day Twenty Six

Favourite Inspiration For Your Game? Some of this goes back to the setting post as Dragonlance and Star Wars are my strongest influences in game plot development. What I’d add into that mix though would be a variety of other media associated with whichever genre of game I’m looking to...

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RPG A Day 2015 – Day Twenty Five

Favourite Revolutionary Game Mechanic I’ve never encountered any that felt particularly revolutionary… Sure I like the dice that come with Fantasy Flight’s Star Wars RPGs. They’re kinda cool and do add something to the game but are they revolutionary?  Nope. Now this might be down to me playing the “wrong...

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RPG A Day 2015 – Day Twenty Four

Favourite House Rule? I’ve used many fudges and tweaks and mods to games over the years but I don’t think I’ve ever actually sat down and said “This is a house rule.” I think the 1 thing I tend to incorporate into all of the games I’m running is that...

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RPG A Day 2015 – Day Twenty Three

Perfect game for you… Erm I don’t think I’ve found it yet. But in saying that… D&D 5th Edition is pretty close but that’s largely due to the knowledge I’ve built up of D&D and indeed Fantasy in general from the past 30 years.  I know I can pick up...

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RPG A Day 2015 – Day Twenty Two

Perfect Gaming Environment. I don’t think I have one… by that I mean I’ve gamed in public, at conventions, at clubs, in stores and at home.  None of these are any less perfect than any other so long as the game is working and the players are having fun. There...

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RPG A Day 2015 – Day Twenty

Favourite Horror RPG… As a reminder, I don’t really do horror. That said if I had to choose one it’d be All Flesh Must Be Eaten. Having used it for different sorts of games but keeping an undead element I think it works really well in general.  The archetypes in...

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RPG A Day 2015 – Day Nineteen

Favourite Supers RPG… As I’ve said previously on this blog I’ve never felt that Superhero RPGs have really worked. Especially confused by this given the episodic nature of Superhero comic books. If I had to choose one though? It’d probably be Golden Heroes or Savage Worlds : Necessary Evil. Golden...

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