Since my last post I’ve done a few things. Running & Playing Ran session two of Midnight Sub Rosa for Pelgrane Press’ Trail of Cthulhu. As someone who likes a visual reference both as a GM and a player I decided to make a “map” of sorts for one of the...
Continue reading...D&D
Day 335 of Year 2020…
So it’s been 3 days since I last posted here. That’s got to be the shortest time between posts for a LONG time! So what’s happened? My adventure, Unsettled Ground, has been published on DMsGuild! Exciting! Not only that, but people are buying it!
Continue reading...A look back at 2018 & 2019 and a look forward at 2020.
I skipped the whole of 2018 and 2019 from this blog and I feel kinda bad about that. Not hugely bad because both years were excellent in hobby terms but still kinda bad as I had plans for this thing. So how do I summarise the last 2 years in...
Continue reading...RPG A Day 2015 – Day Seventeen
Favourite Fantasy RPG… So this is a shoe in, right? It’s D&D obviously, right? Actually yes it is but it’s not the only Fantasy RPG I’ve ever played but it’s the one I keep coming back to irrespective of which version it is. Other Fantasy RPGs that I’ve tried include...
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Longest Game Session Played… Well I ran a game of 1st Edition AD&D for 24 hours once for charity. Think that wins? So how did this happen then? I think it was 1991 as I would have been about 17 at the time.My friends and I had signed up to...
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Longest campaign played. This is actually quite hard for me as the bulk of my game play in ye olden days wasn’t really campaign based. Sure the players would keep their characters and move from scenario to scenario but I’d mash that up over various settings and use published scenarios...
Continue reading...RPG A Day 2015 – Days Four to Nine
I should have seen this coming really. Gone are the days where I have the time for daily posts on here so for Days Four to Nine I’m going to do them all in 1 post. Four – Most Surprising Game Probably All Flesh Must Be Eaten. For a game...
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Favourite New Game of the Last 12 Months? RPG wise that’s a no-brainer – Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. Why? Simple really, it’s the best version of D&D I’ve played and ran. It also reminds me of the best of every version of D&D I’ve played before now (which is...
Continue reading...RPG Pre-Conditions and Self Limitations
So way back when I started this blog I kicked it off with a post called “I’m Dave and I’m a Roleplayer” and I proceeded to talk about the rediscovery of what I wanted my hobby to be. Since then I’ve managed to rediscover my hobby and I’ve achieved some...
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One Giant Leap For Meeple-kind? Not quite. I realise I’ve slipped into another “no update” zone with the blog which I can only apologise profusely for. Other than work, family and of course gaming I’ve not really had any real time to spend on the blog. So a quick update...
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