2021 was a year of more roleplaying, 2022 looks similar but with regular board gaming hopefully on the horizon. I came into 2021 with a reasonable expectation that unless there was a significant improvement in all things COVID, I would continue to game exclusively online. That expectation became reality fairly...
Continue reading...AlbaCon
AlbaCon 2021 is soon!
Last year AlbaCon raised over £3,100 for a Scottish charity, specifically for It’s Good 2 Give who provide amazing support to young cancer patients and their families. Ahead of last year’s event we had no idea whether people would come or indeed if people would pay to play RPGs....
Continue reading...Onwards and upwards…
Since my last post I’ve done a few things. Running & Playing Ran session two of Midnight Sub Rosa for Pelgrane Press’ Trail of Cthulhu. As someone who likes a visual reference both as a GM and a player I decided to make a “map” of sorts for one of the...
Continue reading...Day 366 of Year 2020…
It has been 31 days since my last post and it also happens to be the last day of 2020. As far as leap years go, it has been a year full of challenge and no doubt many people will be keen for it to be over with as soon...
Continue reading...Day 332 of Year 2020…
So it’s been 184 days since I last posted here. Certainly some of the weirdest days most of us will have experienced and no doubt most of those days will have blurred into one another. So what’s happened? Conventions –After cancelling Tabletop Scotland 2020 I saw a slew of online...
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