Last year AlbaCon raised over £3,100 for a Scottish charity, specifically for It’s Good 2 Give who provide amazing support to young cancer patients and their families.
Ahead of last year’s event we had no idea whether people would come or indeed if people would pay to play RPGs.
Thankfully they did on both counts.
AlbaCon 2021 is raising money for another Scottish charity, this time it’s Penumbra.
Penumbra are a mental health charity and in many respects it’s almost the perfect match to an online RPG convention, particularly given the last 18 months where many of us have moved our games online or indeed returned to the RPG hobby to escape from the pandemic.
We have a lot of companies and individuals supporting us by Sponsoring the convention this year and they’re all fantastic humans for doing this.
Our attendees are in for some amazing offers and giveaways throughout the convention weekend.
So if you’ve got some free time over the weekend of the 2nd & 3rd October, please sign up for events.
If you can’t make it then please donate.
If you’re a D&D fan, then also consider entering our D&D Beyond raffle. We have some amazing prizes to give away.